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i-STEM Scholars

We aim to serve high school students from first-generation, low-income (FGLI), and underrepresented minority (URM) backgrounds by providing opportunities and education in STEM research. Our goal is to improve the accessibility of STEM research, and ensure that FGLI and URM students feel empowered to learn more about and pursue these research fields. i-STEM Scholars is a program at STEMchats, a nonprofit for equitable STEM education.

Summer Research Program

Join our annual Summer Research Program, connecting high school students with university labs to contribute to a research project.

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STEM Research Toolbox

Check out our publicly-accessible resources educating students about the basics of STEM reasearch and providing workshops and courses for all.

i-STEM Campaigns

Check out our social media campaigns which aim to inspire FGLI/URM students by highlighting researchers from similar backgrounds & giving students the opportunity to interact with those in STEM research.

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Get Involved

We welcome all HS, Undergraduate, and Graduate Students + Professors/PIs who are passionate about equity and education to explore our resources and collaborate with our team!

High School Students

  • Apply to be an i-STEM Scholar for Summer 2021 (application will open Spring 2021)
  • Learn about the fundamentals of STEM research through courses, workshops, and other educational resources on our website & social media

College Students

  • Learn about the fundamentals of STEM research through courses, workshops, and other educational resources on our website & social media
  • Showcase your own research through our social media campaigns

Graduate Students and Research Professionals

  • Partner with us to host a high school student for our Summer 2021 Research Program Cohort
  • Showcase your own research through our social media campaigns
  • Host workshops or talks with students from FGLI/URM backgrounds